Member Driven.
Technology Focused.

We help members deliver advanced technology solutions across rural America.


Evaluating, designing and building broadband networks to meet member needs 

We help you deliver fast, reliable broadband to all your customers—no matter how remote. From technology evaluation to business modeling, right through construction and daily operations, you get the right model for providing high-speed service. Let us worry about managing complicated back-office systems like cloud storage, email servers and security. Our team takes care of the technology while you take care of your customers. 

managed services

Providing the tools and resources to maximize our members’ efficiency

Operations, billing, and customer care are vital for success. Many of our members are jumping into telecommunications for the first time, and we understand just how much work it takes to prepare for and successfully operate telecommunications networks. There are a multitude of things a new operator must manage, and we are here to help. Leverage our expert personnel and leading-edge products and services so your team can focus on taking care of your customers, improving your network, and growing your business. 

smart grid

Building a reliable, efficient, next-generation power system in rural America

With improved communication thanks to a faster flow of data with advanced metering infrastructures (AMI), you’ll know how and where your customers are using electricity. This knowledge reduces outages, gets power back online faster when outages do occur, and helps you run a more efficient utility. We can make life easier for everyone from the linemen in the field to technicians remotely monitoring systems to the manager planning deployment. Let us help you build the best network for your service territory, with demand management features, advanced analytics, and advanced, next-generation energy capabilities. 


Blazing fast data and voice service from coast to coast

Our members provide advanced mobile service in many very remote parts of the nation. These rural providers are serving their communities efficiently and affordably without having to build a single mile of wireless infrastructure, providing their customers top-notch smartphone and tablet use. Our turnkey private label Mobile Virtual Network Operator makes this possible. And our experienced wireless team means you’ll also get excellent and flexible back-office support.


The Latest News and Events

Video Solutions Sunset Summons Fond Memories of NRTC’s Past

The sun officially set on NRTC Video Solutions on June 30. Video distribution to rural America has been a major part of NRTC’s activities dating back to its birth in 1986. Renée Harrison (pictured left) and Linda Kocher share some of their memories from 25 years with NRTC Video Solutions and the difference it made for rural viewers.

Rosenworcel Seeks to Solidify Rules to Fund School Bus Wi-Fi

In October 2023, the FCC adopted a Declaratory Ruling making Wi-Fi connections on school buses and other remote sites eligible for funding through the Universal Service Schools and Libraries program. Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced that the FCC will vote on a Further NPRM July 18 to set more specific rules for administering remote Wi-Fi funding requests.

Supreme Court Overturns Chevron, Placing Doubt on Title II Order

The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the 40-year-old Chevron Doctrine, which directed courts to give deference to federal agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous statutes. The doctrine has been a case-determining factor in thousands of issues before the court, including telecommunications cases. Some believe that the FCC’s recent order reinstating Title II regulation for broadband providers could be at risk following the end of the Chevron Doctrine.
RUral Broadband Operations BENCHMARKING REPORT

We asked rural ISPs about their marketing, customer service and other operational tasks

In two earlier broadband benchmarking reports NRTC gathered the shared experiences of electric cooperatives deploying networks in rural areas to bridge gaps in connectivity throughout the nation. Our latest report surveys both telco and electric members about what it takes to maintain a successful broadband service to serve today’s rural consumers.

NRTC members with this report offer insights into where they see opportunities to expand their business and where they see challenges to achieving their goals. The ongoing goal for our broadband surveys is to archive member experiences and help all rural ISPs make solid business decisions.

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